Entrepreneur News & Resources

Build Your Empire

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How and Why You Need to Build Your Personal Brand

Too often business owners focus exclusively on creating customers and building their business. This is, of course, essential to success. 


How To Make Maximum Money In Minimum Time

We’ve all heard the saying that the secret to success in business is all about “working smarter, not harder!” However, for most entrepreneurs, that’s easier said than done.


The Fastest Way to Earn True Freedom in Your Business

If the mere thought of all the roles and responsibilities you have in your business makes your head spin, you probably need some ideas to reduce your stress and increase your freedom.

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Work Smarter Not Harder

Some entrepreneurs and business owners run on the hamster wheel of their business day in and day out. They’re hardworking, highly skilled, and have years worth of satisfied clients … so why haven’t they earned their freedom?

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Employees Will Grow Your Business

I spent a lot of time slowly figuring out the best practices to produce the best returns for my businesses. I wanted to not only have a business but to be a leader — and beyond that — lead in my life. 

The Future of an Industry

Have you ever wondered how to truly stand out among the competitors who are offering similar types of services, and become more successful?

Randy Stanbury Stays Out Front In A Changing Shipping Industry

For Randy Stanbury, President at Service Freight and number one best selling collaborative author on Amazon, shipping is big business. And not just because Stanbury’s company is already positioned as a food industry shipping leader that continues to grow, but because Randy Stanbury has his eye to the future. The most important thing to his business’s success? According to Stanbury, “Staying on top of what’s new and what’s current and where things are going.”

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Exchange The Hamster Wheel For a Steering Wheel

Why is it that so many businesses seem to be doing well, but don’t excel? Why are so many entrepreneurs working so hard and yet they never get beyond the crazy working hours to living the dream they started for?

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Are you “Driving” or “Coasting” in your business?

Will we ever stop driving in our business and one day be able to coast and enjoy? Let me clarify my version of the difference between “driving” and “coasting”.

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The Busy Person’s Secrets to Time Management

Why is it that some business owners and entrepreneurs can juggle multiple, simultaneously successful businesses while others can barely hang on to one? Aren’t we all working with the same 24-hour time table each day? 

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Grow Your Mindset, Grow Your Business, Grow Your Revenue

Are you a business owner looking to grow your business exponentially? Are you hungry for growth in every facet of your life? No matter what stage you’re at in your business, growth is not only possible but attainable. 

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Everyone Wants Freedom, But Here is How You Can Get It

Why do most contractors and entrepreneurs turn their backs on the 9–5 grind of working for other people? Is it to build their own dreams? To have more money in the bank?

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Managing Upset vs Creating WOW

When managing a business that deals with client interaction, managing employees who are performing services for your customers, and striving to grow your business to the next level, what is needed to overcome problems as well as help you flourish? In a word, it would be “WOW”.

7 Steps to Finding Freedom in Your Business

What are the biggest challenges you face in your business? Cash flow? Hiring and dealing with employees or contractors? Managing time? Delegating tasks? Knowing what to sell? Marketing? Capital? Budgets? Just generally feeling overwhelmed?
Wouldn’t it be great to actually work on your business instead of in your business so it can grow, scale and even be sold at a huge profit someday? What if your business didn’t require you to be present and ran on systems instead of you?

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From Door to Door Sales to World Wide Success

One HUGE obstacle to growing your business is being stuck in the day-to-day grind of doing the work and managing everything. Another common obstacle is differentiating your services from your competitors.

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Health is Energy for Wealth

First of all, health, fitness, and success are not just for the select few. You can have a share of that too. It’s all about how you approach it. It starts with what you believe you can do and connect with the support that will help you do it.

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Conversation and Connection in the Construction Industry

Have you ever wondered how some businesses always seem to operate smoothly and win every client over? There are many keys to success in the contracting industry, but intelligent conversations are often overlooked as one of the most powerful tools in the toolbox. 

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Create a sellable, profitable, scalable contracting business

One often-overlooked method of growing a trade business is mergers and acquisitions. Jim Kaloutas from Kaloutas Painters, a successful commercial painting and industrial flooring contractor in Boston, implemented this concept with great success. 

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Service Freight Systems Raises the Bar for Customer Service in Trucking

Trucking and delivering merchandise may seem like a simple process from the outside. Goods go from point A to point B, and if any issues should arise, there is nothing the delivery company can do about that. Randy Stanbury, though, sees things differently.

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Food Freight Expert Randy Stanbury on the Future of Transportation Logistics

Trucking and delivering food may seem like a simple process from the outside. Goods go from point A to point B. But what happens when issues arise…like a truck getting stuck at the Canadian/US border, or when there are averse weather events, or a driver gets sick?